
Thursday 6 February 2014

Silly Girl

Baby Girl will turn one soon.  I can't believe how much she has grown. She is growing up and has such a sweet personality to boot.  She found the one  pound weights in the basement and carried them all the way up the steps.  She has been crawling around with them in her hands ever since. She loves the sound it makes on the wooden floor.  It sounds like high heels clicking on the floor.
Tink popped the lenses out of some of her old glasses, so Minnie and Goofy have been wearing them.  They put a pair on Baby Girl one evening.  Too funny.
Goofy still makes her laugh a lot. He came down in his monkey costume one morning and she thought it was hilarious!
And one more: lifting weights.
Oh, never mind. I forgot a couple more.  I was changing the sheets on the bed the other day and she went over to the blankets and pillows and started chill-axing.  So sweet.
 I took Minnie to the dentist the other day and she wanted to hold Baby Girl in the chair.  She put the sunglasses on her and thought it was so cool 
And guess who refuses to let me feed her now?  She is so independent! Just like Minnie was at this age. She has started throwing huge fits now. It has progressed from the "boneless" refusal to do what you want, to the arching the back fit, and now to throwing herself backwards on the floor.  I'm going to have to start time-outs soon if she doesn't stop!  Anyway, I thought she just didn't like the cereal I was giving her, until she reached for it and gobbled it up.  So I just let her have at it. She would try to use her spoon, but mostly just reached in with her hand and shoved it in her mouth.  What a mess!

1 comment:

  1. I love how much they idolize her. So sweet!
