
Sunday 23 February 2014

Birthday Bash

Because we celebrate four birthdays in our family during the month of February, I decided to have all the extended family over for one big birthday bash on a Saturday.  I kept it pretty low-key with hot dogs, chips, baked beans, salad, and fruit.  The night before we blew up over 150 balloons.  We put a piece of candy in each and filled the finished room in the basement with them.  The kids had a lot of fun playing in them and then popping them.  I enlarged a picture of Baby Girl and the kids all played "Pin the Flower on [Baby Girl]."  I guess I forgot to take pictures of that, so I'll have to get one of the finished product.  (Yes, it's still hanging on my wall.  Don't judge. It's just such a precious picture!)  I made these super yummy cupcakes and made them look like Minnie and Mickey Mouse.  The kids helped, and they turned out so well!

No problem digging into that Oreo here!  Love this!

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