
Friday 1 June 2012


PC and I have had this great opportunity to help out in Primary for a little while. We've been teaching the 5 and 6 year-olds.  Not only has it been nice to serve with my best friend, it has been so much fun hearing the answers these sweet kids give.  For example, one day we were discussing temptations.  One little girl in the class has something to share. She said that "one time, Satan gave [her] brother a temptation to kick [her] in the crotch."  Too funny! That same day she made a comment that sometimes her dad doesn't feed her.  Totally straight faced.  PC and I looked at each other and it is so hard to not crack up laughing, but we do pretty well and I just try to write them down so we can remember them later.  (We both know her parents don't starve her.  But I can understand how a child would feel like that, because as a parent, I often tell my kids they can't eat a snack right before dinner or they need to wait for some other reason.  It was just so funny.)
The other day, Bucko was helping Goofy say prayer at dinner.  (Goofy used to say the best prayers, but then he started to refuse to say them at all.  It's been just recently that he has agreed to say them again as long as someone tells him what to say.  Not sure what happened, but at least he's trying again.)  So Bucko would say something and Goofy would repeat it.  It was going well, until Bucko said, "Thank thee for our bodies."  Well, Goofy repeated it, "Thank thee for our potties."  I held it in for a couple seconds. Literally...I was holding my nose and trying not to breath so I wouldn't laugh, but alas, a giggle escaped and I was beyond saving at that point.  Luckily, Bucko ended the prayer soon after that.


  1. My favorite was today:

    Goofy: I want some cookies.
    Me: Sorry, Buddy. But I don't have any cookies.
    Goofy: Well, you could make some!

    1. Yes! That was definitely a good one! That boy cracks me up!
