
Friday 25 March 2016

Spring Break

 We really have had a lot of snow this year. We had a blizzard-like snow this week. PC tried to get to work on Wednesday and found out the road he normally takes was closed, so he took another. He only got about a mile down the road when everyone came to a standstill. He was stuck there for almost seven hours! He could have probably done around them, but wasn't sure how far down the median dipped and didn't want to get stuck in the snow, so he waited until everyone got cleared out. The road was closed though, so he had to take an even more remote way home. We were so glad he made it though. The wind had been blowing like crazy in all different directions. It really felt like we were right in the middle of a tornado. Crazy wind.
 This morning we put the candy in our eggs for our hunt tomorrow. Rosie loved them and rolled across the entire room trying to get them. That's the first time she's used rolling to get places.
 Tink went bowling and to a movie with friends, so I took everyone else to Ruzuto's for ice cream and then roller skating. It's one spring/fall break tradition that we love.

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