
Friday 10 January 2014

Positive Referral

I received a phone call from the Vice Principal at the kids' school about a month ago.  That always makes me nervous and I really don't know why.  Our kids are so good, I really have no need to worry.  She was calling because Minnie received a Positive Referral.  This is given by their teacher.  They choose a child who really shows respect, follows the rules, and helps others.  They have their name up on the wall for a month and then they get recognized at a Bulldog Assembly.  I was able to attend and snap a few pictures.  It was fun.  Goofy's class ended up winning the spirit stick that day too.  Both their classes were recognized for being good at either lunch time or Perspectives.  I was proud of my kids!  I sat down next to a lady who just finished her first year in the Pathways Program.  It was so neat to meet her and talk about that, too.

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