
Saturday 29 September 2018

Middle School Cross Country

Since Minnie's new school doesn't have sports teams set up yet, she was able to run cross country on her team from last year. It has been great for her, especially as she has a friend that moved in a few houses down from us that is also on the team. They have quickly become best friends, and I love how sweet they both are! Minnie had a rough start health-wise this season as all my kids had a bad cough from bronchitis that lasted over a month. So breathing was an issue at the beginning of the season. Today was their last meet, though, and it was a nice cool day! She did great! Most meets had been very hot, making a lot of the kids throw up. So it was great to have a meet with cooler weather.
 Their awesome YW leader was able to come to one of their meets. We have great leaders at church!

Monday 17 September 2018


Tink went to Homecoming with a sweet guy from our ward. They lived here when we first moved to Colorado but moved to England about 2 years later. They've been gone for the past 4 years, but are now back and our oldest kids have hit it off. They both run cross country, so he had the best way to ask her to the dance. They hiked the Incline on Labor Day and at the top, he had a poster that said, "I'd be so eXCited if you would run to Homecoming with me..." It was so cute! Tink was so excited! We quickly ordered a dress, which ended up not being in stock so we had to go with this one, but she looked great in it! We got her sparkly Vans so she would be comfortable and not dying in heels! We had fun getting ready and I loved that one of her YW leaders wanted to come see her before she left. That one is my favorite because you can see how much fun they have together.
Don't they look great?
 The back was super pretty, but that took me over a half an hour to lace up!
He even got her a corsage! We totally blanked getting a boutonniere! They had a blast though. A little after they left, I got a text from a friend that said, "Just in case you're wondering how [Tink] is doing," along with this picture:
They had been out to eat at the same restaurant Tink went to with her date! Love that I have spies who can send my surveillance photos!

Monday 10 September 2018


PC and Bucko did the tri-stake sprint triathlon this weekend. PC was one of the top finishers! Bucko did great and finished strong! They swam 100 meters, biked 10 miles, and ran 5K. I am so proud of them!