I had contractions the whole weekend of my birthday. By Tuesday, they had gotten really strong and 4 minutes apart, so I went in. I wasn't changing much though, so they had me walk the halls for an hour and checked me again. I changed just slightly, but not enough to keep me. They figured I would need to come back that night in real labor, but my doc said if I still hadn't had her by morning, to come to his office and he would help me along. So luckily, Wednesday morning, the 15th, I went in to see him and dilated to 4 cm and 80% effaced. He said that was good enough for him and sent me over to the hospital. He came over at 10:30 and broke my water. The contractions started coming stronger and I got an epidural at 12:15 pm. The anesthesiologist was in the next room and had to go to a c-section so it was get it then or wait another hour or more. I figured I'd been in pain for long enough (days, in fact), so I went ahead and got it. They started giving me a little pitocin a couple hours later. I was feeling great. Couldn't feel the contractions at all with the epidural until 3:30pm and then I felt like they were lower and a little pressure. The nurse checked me and baby girl was ready to make her debut! So she got the doc and I pushed her out at the next contraction. Easiest delivery I have ever had! She bruised my tailbone and I have been having pain with that since, but everything else had been great. Recovery has been easy. And she is precious! She weighed in at 8 pounds 1.5 ounces and 21 1/4 inches long. She was born at 3:36 pm on February 13.
I know I have a big, goofy smile on my face, but I just couldn't help it! I was so glad she was finally here! They took her to get her first bath, and PC got a few pictures of that as well.
One of my good friends came to the hospital and took pictures when the kids arrived. I am excited to see how those turned out. The kids were all enthralled with her and love her so much. She is such a great addition to our little family. Love her!
Here are a few more pictures I took with my iPad while I was in the hospital.
Love her already!! And you look great! The big "goofy" smile (as you called it) is incredible! You look so elated! Congrats again!